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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 13, Issue 3, pp. vii-513

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Professional Biography: Michael Golomb

Carl de Boor and Joseph W. Jerome

pp. vii-xiv

Periodic Solutions of Hamiltonian Systems: A Survey

Paul H. Rabinowitz

pp. 343-352

Long-Time Behavior of a Class of Biological Models

H. F. Weinberger

pp. 353-396

Global Smooth Solutions to the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Equations of One-Dimensional Nonlinear Thermoviscoelasticity

C. M. Dafermos

pp. 397-408

Asymptotic Properties of Best $L_p [0,1]$ Approximation by Splines

D. D. Pence and P. W. Smith

pp. 409-420

Equilibria of the Curvature Functional and Manifolds of Nonlinear Interpolating Spline Curves

Michael Golomb and Joseph Jerome

pp. 421-458

Resolvent Formulas for a Volterra Equation in Hilbert Space

Ralph W. Carr and Kenneth B. Hannsgen

pp. 459-483

A Theory for the Approximation of Solutions of Boundary Value Problems on Infinite Intervals

Peter A. Markowich

pp. 484-513